Wednesday 13 January 2021


You might have seen builders or constructors or daily labors soak the bricks in water before it is used in construction. Have you ever wondered why bricks are soaked in water? In this article, we will understand the reason for soaking the bricks in water before using them.

Bricks are one of the most important building materials used in construction. It is available in rectangular shapes and has standard dimensions. Brick masonry is a great art of construction in which bricks are laid systematically with respect to bonding, jointing, and finishing. In brick masonry, bricks are bonded together with the help of mortar (Cement + Sand+Water). The strength of brick masonry majorly depends upon the quality of brick and type of mortar. 

The process of completely immersing the brick into water is known as soaking. Bricks are porous in nature and have a tendency to absorb moisture. When the brick to be used for construction are soaked in water, the air is released and it absorbs water. Now when the soaked brick is used, it will not absorb any water from the wet mortar. If the brick absorbs water from the mortar and this will reduce the strength of the mortar to a great extent. Thus, it will fail to make a strong bond between bricks and mortar. Ultimately, it will make the bonding of masonry wall weak.

Also, the dirt and soluble salts present on the bricks get removed by soaking them in water.

Bricks should be soaked in water before use for a period so that the water penetrates the entire depth of the bricks. Normally it is suggested to soak bricks for atleast 12 hours. Soaking of bricks should be continued till air bubbling ends.

So, these are the reasons for soaking the brick in water before using. Hope you might have got a clear picture of this topic. Thank you for reading the article.


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    Why Are Bricks Soaked in Water Before Use
