Friday 4 March 2022


There is a general phenomenon of nail sinking and ship sailing. Let's understand why this happens in the following article.

We already know that when a body's density is less than that of water, it floats. When the density of a body exceeds the density of water, the body sinks in the water. The weight of water expelled by a needle is less than the weight of the needle, thus it sinks. And an iron ship is designed in such a way that it can transport a great amount of water. The weight of the water displaced by the ship's submerged part is equal to the ship's weight, therefore it may float. A body floats in a liquid when the weight of the entire body equals the weight of the liquid displaced by the submerged component of the body, according to the law of flotation.

An iron nail sinks in water because its density is greater than that of water. However, a massive iron ship floats. This is due to the form of the object. The midsection of a ship is hollow. When the ship is submerged, its whole volume, including the hollow section, displaces water to make room for itself. The amount of water displaced is substantially larger than the iron ship's bulk. As a result, the ship floats, whereas a sheet of iron is compact and has no air voids. Iron has a higher density than water. The sheet's weight exceeds the weight of the water displaced by the sheet. It sinks as a result.

The ship's effective density (m/V) is smaller than the density of the water because it is constructed in such as way.

V is the ship's volume, and m is the ship's mass.

The density of the nail (as of iron) is substantially higher than that of water. As a result, it sinks quickly. As a result, according to Archimedes' principle, the upthrust is more than the ship's weight. The iron ship floats on water because of this. Thank you for taking the time to read this article, hope you found it useful.

Tuesday 1 March 2022


The check engine light has lighted on your dash, which is one of every automobile owner's worst nightmares. This is a solid indicator that there are issues under the hood of your automobile, and it's difficult to judge how serious those issues are. It might be a little issue, or it could be a major issue that leaves you stuck and costs you thousands of dollars if not resolved immediately. In any case, it's critical to get to the root of the problem as quickly as possible.

This might be the simplest and least expensive remedy of all the reasons your check engine light is on. If the gas cap is missing, loose, or broken, the check engine light may illuminate. Gas fumes can escape from your car into the atmosphere if the gas cap does not create an adequate seal for your fuel system. As a result of the evaporation, you will lose gasoline and need to fill up your vehicle more frequently.

The failure of your oxygen sensor is one of the most typical causes for your check engine light to illuminate. 

Your car repair shop can rapidly replace it, restoring your vehicle's capacity to detect unburned oxygen in the exhaust system. Until this item is replaced, your engine will use more gasoline than it needs to, lowering your vehicle's fuel efficiency. Your catalytic converter and spark plugs will also benefit from a new oxygen sensor.

Other engine issues are usually disregarded before the catalytic converter breaks. Your car will run hot, waste gasoline, and cease functioning as well as it once did if yours isn't working. To pass an emissions test, you'll also need a working catalytic converter, which is responsible for lowering carbon monoxide emissions. Thank you for taking the time to read this article, hope you found it useful.

Saturday 26 February 2022


On a beautiful sunny day, you glance up to find a line of little birds perched on power wires staring down at you. How do they manage to stand on an electric line without getting shocked? It's a valid question because you know that touching that line yourself will very certainly result in a deadly electric shock. 

Electrocution is defined as an injury or death caused by an electrical shock. If birds aren't electrocuted while perched on an electric line, they aren't being shocked by electricity. In layman's terms, this means that electricity can travel through the birds without harming them. What are the reasons, however, that birds are not electrocuted? In a nutshell, electricity is generated by electrons moving through conductors. If birds aren't getting shocked as they fly over an electric wire, it suggests the bird isn't a good conductor of electricity. This means that birds do not allow electricity from the cable to go into their bodies.

Birds may sit on power lines because the electrical current ignores the presence of the bird and continues to flow through the wire rather than through the bird's body. The body of a bird is a poor conductor of electricity. Like water, electricity flows with the least amount of resistance possible. Copper wires carry electricity in electrical power cables. Copper is a great electrical conductor, allowing electricity to flow freely over its surface.

On the other hand, a bird is made up of cells and tissues. These cells and tissues do not give a simpler path for the electricity in the wire to travel than the one it is already on. Because a bird's body is not a strong conductor of electricity, the electricity ignores the bird on the wire and proceeds on to its goal along with the copper wiring. 

There’s another reason why birds can sit on a wire without getting shocked. There’s no voltage difference in a single wire. 

For electrons to move, there must be what scientists call a difference in electrical potential. For example, energy flows from areas of high voltage to areas of low voltage. If it flows through a single power line at 35,000 volts, it will continue along the path of least resistance. That means it’ll bypass birds because there’s no difference in electrical potential. This is not the case with humans as everything circuit is earthed. 
Thank you for taking the time to read this article, hope you found it useful.