Tuesday 20 February 2018


You might have noticed that most of the planes are painted white.It’s probably something you’ve never thought about, but there’s actually a reason why planes are painted white. Well, there are multiples reasons actually.

1.)Thermal Advantage

The color white is a terrific reflector of sunlight, and reflects almost all the light that falls on it, unlike other colors, which absorb some of the light.If you paint your airplane in a color other than white, it will absorb sunlight and heat up the body of the airplane, which is something you want to avoid. White, on the other hand, reflects that sunlight and avoids the gradual build-up of heat on the plane. This is a good thing, not only when the airplane is in flight, but also when it’s parked on the runway, because it takes less time to cool down down after sitting on the ground in a hot, sunny environment.

2.)Easier inspection of cracks and dents

Airplanes are regularly inspected for cracks, dents, and any other form of surface damage (for obvious safety reasons). Nothing works better than white when it comes to spotting a crack on the surface, as the crack is almost always darker than white.

Additionally, white also accentuates corrosion marks and oil leak spots (as they leave dark-colored trail). Plus, a white plane is easier to spot (visually) in the event of a crash or any other mishap, especially at night, or in a massive body of water.

3.)More paint= More weight= More fuel = More operating costs

The paint on a fully painted 747 will weigh more than 250 kgs, while a polished skin will just weigh 25 kgs. EasyJet Airlines was able to reduce 2% of their operating costs by just repainting their planes with new thinner aerodynamic paints. When your annual fuel bill is $1.2 billion USD, then that 2% can mean a savings of $22.4 million USD.

4.)White doesn't fade. 

An average airliner will have several paint jobs during its service life, but the longer you can go between having to repaint the plane the better, and if you don't have to worry about the paint fading and looking old for a good long while you can stretch the time between paint jobs without having your passengers start making snide comments about your fleet of flying hoopties.

5.)Lower resale Value.

A painted airline has lower resale value.A smart airline company owner who would like to sell a plane, he does not need to repaint it. Subsequently, all he needs to do is to change old company name and logo.