Friday 3 April 2020


We see many products in our day to day life as the need for four legs, and we understand that the legs are in an L shape to strengthen it. But, you might be wondering why there is a hole at the top of each chair or stool. We will understand the scientific reason behind the hole in this article.

In fact, there are definitely some great reasons for this design!

1.) If no holes were present, the chairs will get stuck easily when stacked because of the air pressure caused by the “vacuum” formed within the gap of two chairs.

2.)It's to save materials, which means spending less money and also making more chairs/stools at the same time.

3.)It is a finger hole for you to move and stack the chairs/stool more easily. 

4.)The holes in plastic stools are round and not square for a reason. It’s to maintain the structural integrity of the stool and to prevent it from breaking when you sit.

Also, plastic is tough. When an overweight person sits on it, the plastic will extend in all directions, and the hole can accommodate a weak extension. It seems to make sense.

If you find this article helpful kindly share it with your friends and if you want to add something to it feel free to write in the comment box.

Thank You !’


  1. second point cant be an engineering level answer because plastic costs very less and that amount of material removed is also less that is just a hole size material...

    1. Of course its engineering level. When you produce something in bulk then it matter. I have my own manufacturing unit and I know the importance of it. Btw it is engineering only through which you have given comment. And ofcourse your phone isn't an I Phone. Reduced cost by engineering made you comment at this platform.

  2. Thanks for sharing this kind of good information, please keep posting.
    workstation chairs in chennai

  3. Thank you for the sharing good knowledge and information its very helpful and understanding!

  4. Thank you for this article! It is so incredible helpful and thorough. I will definitely be using your suggestions.

  5. Edge/notch means stress concentration!! Circular hole less stress concentration!

  6. Thanks for this, it's so informative and easy to understand.
