Thursday 15 April 2021


Modern-day toilets come with two flush buttons, one is smaller than the other. Have you ever imagined why there are two buttons? Let us discuss the reason behind this in the following article.

This type of arrangement is known as Dual Flush. Modern toilets have 2 types of levers or buttons and both buttons are attached to the exit valve. The two buttons dis-engage valves at different heights in the flush tank. Usually, the smaller one has its exit valve at a higher level which gives a smaller discharge of water. The second button is connected to the lower exit valve and empties the complete tank.

In short, pressing the big button gives 6 to 9 liters of water, and pressing the small button gives 3 to 4.5 liters of water. Clearly, the larger one is to flush solid waste and the smaller one is to flush liquid waste. This is a smart way of water conservation.

According to the reports, if Dual Flushing is adopted instead of Single Flush at a house, then 20 thousand liters of water can be saved annually. You must have been surprised to hear this, but it is true. Though the installation may cost you a little more than the normal flush, it is eco-friendly and helps cut down on water bills. So, the next time you use the toilet, flush as per your need.