Saturday 22 January 2022


We have been using mobile phones for a long time, one thing that we have been noticing is that mobile number contains 10 digits. Have you ever thought about why there are only 10 digits in a mobile number, why not 9 or 11? Let's understand this in the following article.

The number of digits in a mobile number depends primarily on the population of a country. This is because the number of mobile numbers available should obviously outnumber the number of users. The current population of India is 1,350,403,177.So, we have already surpassed the 10 digit population at this moment. There is no scope for making mobile numbers less than 10 digits.

It is always assumed that each and every citizen will possess a mobile phone. Therefore, India settled for 10 digit numbers under the Government’s National Numbering Plan (NNP). By keeping 10 digit numbers, we get a combination of 1,000 crore numbers. Here is how,

It is all about permutations and combinations,

How many single-digit numbers do we know? 10.

Thus, if phone numbers were to have 2 digits, how many different number combinations would be available? 10 x 10 = 100.

In the same fashion, if phone numbers were to have 9 digits, this would only satisfy 1,000 million (100 crore) subscribers.

Hence, the 10-digit mobile number.

10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 = 10,00,00,00,000 = 10 billion (1000 crore) subscribers!

This offers us 10 billion (1000 crore) different combinations.

The Department of Telecommunication had implemented this 10 digits mobile number in 2003 for the next 30 years but when it crossed 11 years the quota is at the final stage. The officials confirm that due to the high demand, the need for 11 combinations will arise within 2 or 3 years.

This is to say that India might get an 11 or 12 digit mobile number in the future. Let’s see. Thank you for reading the article.

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